The Difference Between Natural And Stabilized Sonoran Blue Turquoise
Turquoise gems, adored for their beautiful vibrant colors and mysterious-looking webs, are famous for making statement jewelry. These stones have many types and varieties that all have unique characteristics. And if you ever searched for Sonoran blue turquoise, you have likely come across two types, stabilized and natural. Now, you may ask, what’s the difference between these two, and which one would be better for you? Well, that’s what the following section is here to answer! So, continue reading! What’s The Difference Between Natural And Stabilized Sonoran Blue Turquoise? Stabilization, enhancement, imitation, and reconstitution are manipulation methods for natural turquoise to enhance its qualities. Here’s what makes natural turquoise different from stabilized ones: 1. Natural Turquoise Is Expensive And Rare Natural turquoise differs from stabilized ones because they do not have enhancement treatments. Most of the turquoise found in mines is not ha...